Sunday, November 30, 2014

Green Tea Red Bean Chiffon Cake 绿茶红豆戚风蛋糕

Green Tea Red Bean Chiffon Cake


( for 20-22cm mould)

5  Grade A egg yolk
30 g  Caster Sugar
70g milk
50g  Corn oil


83g  Super fine flour
1/3 bowl of cooked red bean
1 tsp green tea powder


5 Grade A egg white
1/4 tsp Cream of tartar


70g  Caster Sugar


1. Beat A till well combined, add in B and mix well, set aside
2. Whip C till foamy, gradually add in D and whisk until soft peak form.
3. Mixed egg white into egg yolk batter gradually and stir well. Pour mixture into a 20 -22cm mould.
4. Bake in a preheated oven at 160C  for 45 minutes or till cooked. Remove and invert, set aside. It should be cooled upside down to prevent a dense result.
Unmould when the cake turn cool.

*Tip :
1) Remember don't move the cake much before it cools completely.
2)Each oven may differ slightly in heat hence temperature stated and baking time required in the recipe serves as a reference only Ingredient:

( for 24cm mould)

 6  Grade A egg yolk
30 g  Caster Sugar
84g  Milk
60g  Corn oil

100g  Super fine flour
1/2 bowl of cooked red bean
1 1/2 tsp green tea powder

6  Grade A egg white
1/4 tsp Cream of tartar

(D) 70g  Caster Sugar

绿茶红豆戚风蛋糕 20 - 22Cm mould



A 蛋黄 5个
细砂糖 30g
牛奶* 70g
植物油 50g
低筋面粉 83g
绿茶粉 1 tsp
红豆 1/3 bowl


A 蛋白 5个
细砂糖 70g
1/4 tsp tartar 粉


1. 蛋黄加入细砂糖,用硅胶刮刀或打蛋器拌均至糖溶解。
2. 加入牛奶,油,用硅胶刮刀或打蛋器拌均,仔细混合至面糊呈现滑润、黏稠状态。
3. 加入低筋面粉, 绿茶粉,红豆 拌均至滑润状态。
4. 蛋白分次加入细砂糖用电器打发至硬性发泡。
6. 加入其余的蛋白霜,混合拌均成面糊。
7. 将面糊倒入戚风模。
8. 放进预热170度的烤箱,烤35分钟至熟。(每个人的烤炉温度不一样,所以在160C是最安全,可以拉长时间烤至45分钟)
9. 出炉倒扣,待凉。

For 24cm mould

蛋黄 6个
细砂糖 30g
橙汁 84g
植物油 60g
低筋面粉 100g
绿茶粉 1 1/2 tsp
红豆 1/2 bowl


蛋白 6个
细砂糖 70g
1/4 tsp tartar 粉

Bamboo Charcoal Black Sesame Chiffon Cake 黑芝麻竹碳戚风蛋糕

Bamboo Charcoal Black Sesame Chiffon Cake

Ingredient: ( for 20-22cm mould)


5  Grade A egg yolk 30 g  
Caster Sugar 70g  
Milk 50g  
Corn oil


 63g Super fine flour
20g  Black saseme powder
1 tbsp Charcoal Powder


5 Grade A egg white
1/4 tsp Cream of tartar


70g  Caster Sugar

1. Beat A till well combined, add in B and mix well, set aside
2. Whip C till foamy, gradually add in D and whisk until soft peak form.
3. Mixed egg white into egg yolk batter gradually and stir well. Pour mixture into a 20 -22cm mould.
4. Bake in a preheated oven at 160C  for 45 minutes or till cooked.
Remove and invert, set aside. It should be cooled upside down to prevent a dense result.
Unmould when the cake turn cool.

*Tip :
1) Remember don't move the cake much before it cools completely.
2)Each oven may differ slightly in heat hence temperature stated and baking time required in the recipe serves as a reference only


( for 24cm mould)


6 Grade A egg yolk
30 g Caster Sugar
84g  Milk
60g Corn oil


70g Super fine flour
30g  Black saseme powder
2 tbsp Charcoal Powder


6  Grade A egg white
1/4 tsp Cream of tartar


70g  Caster Sugar

20 - 22Cm mould



A 蛋黄 5个
细砂糖 30g
牛奶* 70g
植物油 50g
低筋面粉 63g
黑芝麻粉 20g
竹碳粉 1 tbsp


A 蛋白 5个
细砂糖 70g
1/4 tsp tartar 粉


1. 蛋黄加入细砂糖,用硅胶刮刀或打蛋器拌均至糖溶解。
2. 加入牛奶,油,用硅胶刮刀或打蛋器拌均,仔细混合至面糊呈现滑润、黏稠状态。
3. 加入低筋面粉,黑芝麻粉,竹碳粉 拌均至滑润状态。
4. 蛋白分次加入细砂糖用电器打发至硬性发泡。
6. 加入其余的蛋白霜,混合拌均成面糊。
7. 将面糊倒入戚风模。
8. 放进预热170度的烤箱,烤35分钟至熟。(每个人的烤炉温度不一样,所以在160C是最安全,可以拉长时间烤至45分钟)
9. 出炉倒扣,待凉。

For 24cm mould

蛋黄 6个
细砂糖 30g
橙汁 84g
植物油 60g
低筋面粉 70g
黑芝麻粉 30g
竹碳粉 2 tbsp


蛋白 6个
细砂糖 70g
1/4 tsp tartar 粉

Sunday, November 23, 2014

菜粿 Mengkuang Kuih (Chai Kueh )

Recipe adapted from Helena's Kitchen 

100克 澄粉
100克 薯粉
1/2茶匙 盐
1汤匙 油

800g沙葛 (切丝)
2条 红萝卜(切丝)
6朵香菇 (切丝)
100克培根 (切丝)
50克 虾米(剁碎)
一大匙 蒜米碎

生抽,鱼露,白糖各,盐, 鸡精粉,胡椒粉,麻油。
炸葱头油适量 。

1. 锅内热油,爆香蒜米,加入虾米,香菇和培根炒匀。

2. 最后,加入红萝卜和沙葛炒至略干;加入调味料炒匀。盛起待凉备用。

3. 将澄粉和薯粉放入盆中,混合备用。

4. 把沸水冲入粉中,快速搅拌成软团。加入油,揉成光滑面团。



100g teng flour, 100g tapioca flour, pinch of salt, 1 tbsp oil, 280ml-300ml boiling water

2 turnip (shredded),
2 carrots (shredded),
6 shitake mushroom (soaked & diced),
100g bacon (chopped),
50g dried prawns, soaked n chopped
1tbsp chopped garlic

soy sauce, sugar, salt, white pepper, chicken stock granules, sesame oil, fish sauce (to taste)


1. Heat oil, saute chopped garlic until fragrant, add dried shrimps and continue fry until fragrant.

2. Add mushrooms and bacon and fry until bacon is brown.

3. Add in turnip and carrots continue frying for another 5 minutes. Season the fillings, lower the heat and simmer for another 15 minutes or until the turnip is soft enough. Dish out and let it cool before wrapping.

To make translucent skin:

1. Mix all flour and salt together until well combined.

2. Pour the boiling water into the flour. Stir well with a wooden spoon and add in oil to form a dough.

3. Turn the dough out onto a clean bench top lightly dusted with teng flour. While the dough is still warm, knead for 3-4 minutes or until the dough is smooth.

4. Divide the dough into small portion and cover with plastic wrap. Using a rolling pin to roll out the dough and wrap with fillings.

5. Steam on high heat for 8 minutes. Brush some shallots oil on the translucent skin to avoid it to stick together.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Mocha Jelly Cheesecake

Hello Kitty Jelly Cake & Hello Kitty Icing Cake

Mille Crepe Jelly Cake

Ingredients : 

Milk 225g  
Egg 130 g  
Salt 1/4 tsp  
Flour 65g  
Icing Sugar 28g  
Butter ( melted) 30g  
Cream Milk 170g  
Instant Custard powder 100g  
Heavy whipping cream 360g  

Method for crêpes batter:  

1) Melt the butter in a microwave about 30 second  

2) With a mixer on medium-low speed, beat together the eggs, milk, butter, sugar and salt. Slowly add in flour. Sieve the batter into a container cover and rest for one hour.  

3) Place a nonstick or seasoned 6-inch crêpe pan over medium heat and cover the surface with oil. Add 1 tablespoon batter and swirl to cover the surface. Cook until the bottom just begins to brown, about 1 minute. (you need to peek constantly, do this with a rubber spatula) Then carefully lift an edge and flip the crêpe with your fingers. Cook on the other side for 5 seconds. Flip the crêpe onto a flat surface. Repeat until you have 23 perfect crêpes. Remember to stir the batter before use.  

Method for assembling cake:  

1) Mix the milk and custard powder in a mixer for low speed till thick.  
2) Whip the heavy cream. Fold a quarter of the whipped cream into the pastry cream, then the rest.  
3) Lay 1 crêpe on a cake plate. Using an a rubber or icing spatula, cover with a layer of pastry cream. Repeat until you've used all of the crêpes. Lay the best-looking crêpe on top.  
4) Chill for 2 hours.  

Jelly Ingredients  

500ml water
90g sugar 
5g ( 2 tsp) Agar agar powder 

Mixed 5 g agar agar powder with 90g sugar. 
Pour the mixture into the cool water stir and bring to boil over low heat. 
Pour a layer of the mixture into moulds and allow to set. 
Add in the Crepe cake and pour the remaining mixture till full and let it set. Put moulded agar agar solution in the refrigerator for 2 hours and decorate it with agar agar flowers, leaves and serve chilled.