Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Key Lime Cheesecake

Key Lime Cheesecake requested by Birthday boy. :D 

Happy Birthday to my little young man .It’s fun to think back about when you were a baby and other fun times when you were very young and growing up. We’re looking forward to seeing what comes from your future, and we’re wishing you the very best things in the coming year and in life. Have an awesome birthday. xoxo


  1. 给你鼓励的掌声。要说你很棒。你的蛋糕做得很好,很赞的。

  2. Joceline Lyn 谢谢您的鼓励!我会继续努力的。四年的烘焙的确让我学会了很多。从零开始到会做出一个满意的蛋糕 ,我还蛮享受那过程!多谢网上有那么多人分享食谱,我才能学会!
