Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Strawberry Jam 草莓果酱

Recipe adapted from All recipes 

2 lb fresh strawberries, washed
1/4 cup lemon juice
4 cups sugar
few clean, sterilized bottles to store the jam


In a wide bowl, crush strawberries in batches until you have 4 cups of mashed berry. In a heavy bottomed saucepan, mix together the strawberries, sugar, and lemon juice. Stir over low heat until the sugar is dissolved. Increase heat to high, and bring the mixture to a full rolling boil. Boil, stirring often, until the mixture reaches 220 degrees F (105 degrees C). Transfer to hot sterile jars, leaving 1/4 to 1/2 inch headspace, and seal. Process in a water bath. If the jam is going to be eaten right away, don't bother with processing, and just refrigerate.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Pumpkin Kaya 南瓜咖椰

This week I need to continue to cook the leftover pumpkin from Halloween. So today cook this 

special Pumpkin Kaya that I never try in my life. I am very satisfied with this KAYA and highly

 recommend it.  这南瓜咖椰很香哦!本人大大推荐!

Recipe reference: Angel


1.5kg pumpkin (net weight)

400g  coconut milk 
1 tsp salt 
250g brown sugar
300g Palm Sugar / Gula Melaka 
8 tbsp custard powder 

12pcs pandan leaves 


1) Peel pumpkin skin, cut into thin slices, steam till cooked and soften (about 8 mins), remove.

2) Add B, with steam pumpkin in the blander and bland well. 

3) Add C, over low flame, stir cooked till thicken (about 1 1/2 hours). 


1.5kg  金瓜(净重)

400g 椰浆
1 tsp 盐
250g  黄糖 
300g 椰糖
8 tbsp  蛋黄粉

12pcs  香兰叶 


1)  把金瓜去皮, 切成薄块, 送入蒸笼蒸熟(约8分钟), 取出。

2)  加入材料B用果汁机打幼

3) . 加入C, 以小火不停搅煮至浓稠。。(约1小时30分钟)。



After one hour of stirring

Sunday, November 17, 2013

泰式红宝石椰汁西米露 Thai Red Rubies(Tub Tim Grob )‏

食谱来饮食画报 Hoe Lai Kien 

我用沙葛来代替马蹄!红宝石有奇妙的口感体验。喜欢那颗颗晶莹剔透的红宝石,吃入口里是QQ 的外层,里面是沙葛的脆加上那班兰香的椰奶真的是绝配!

材料 A
马蹄 (切小粒)
红色素 加水 (适量)
木薯粉 (适量)

材料 B:-

材料 C:-

1. 煮椰浆 : 把椰浆,班兰叶,加入适量的糖和盐,煮热 ( 不可煮滚 ),待凉,放进

2. 做西米 : 将西米放进热水里煮滚,当它浮起,关火让它泡5分
3. 做红宝石 :将马蹄洗干净,削皮,切方粒,加入红色素水浸泡半小时。
4. 沥干浸泡马蹄的红色素水份,均匀的沾/ 滚上木薯粉(要厚厚的一层), 把多余的粉篩
掉。接着放进已经煮滚的水里,大火煮到马蹄浮起,这时候裹马蹄的粉就会呈现透明,而且颜色会变成红宝石晶莹剔透的样子。即可捞起。放进冰水里泡,防止 红宝石黏在一起。
5. 準備一个碗,放进适量的椰浆,西米,红宝石和冰块,即可享用。

温馨提示 :-
1. 如果不喜欢食用色素的朋友,可以用火龙果汁,甜菜根汁来代替,可是要用长一点时间让它上色。
2. 沾木薯粉时,记得要每一粒都要沾得均匀,不然就会被揭穿是用石头当红宝石咯

I am submitting this post to Asian Food Fest  ( Thailand ) - November Month hosted by Lena Of Frozen Wings

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Thai Spicy Pork Salad (Larb Moo)

Recipe is from my Thai friend , I make some changes. 


300g Minced Pork
4 Shallots ~sliced
1/4 cup Basil leaves
8 Cherry tomatoes
3-5 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lime juice
1 tablespoon of crushed dried chili
1 tablespoons of fish sauce
1 tsp of Sugar
2 Red Chilies


1. Heat the wok add in 1 tbsp of oil and stir in minced pork. Stir thoroughly about 5 minutes until pork are cooked.

2 Remove from the heat and add in sugar, sliced shallots, basil leaves, cherry tomatoes stir evenly.

3. Add in lime juice, chili, fish sauce and fresh chili. Mix well and ready to serve with rice or lettuce wrap.

I am submitting this post to Asian Food Fest ( Thailand ) - November Month hosted by Lena of Frozen Wings

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Doll Kuih ( Pumpkin Purple Sweet Potato Kuih 双色金瓜番薯糕‏)

**我做了少许更改,我把 橙色番薯换成了金瓜**

今天再来做双色金瓜番薯糕,把今天切的另一半金瓜给用完.第一次做这个糕点..出奇的好吃.喜欢它那QQ 的口感和那鲜艳的颜色!(纯天然颜色)


上层材料 :-
400g 紫色番薯
130g 白糖
200ml 椰浆 
80g 木薯粉
40g 粘米粉
20g 绿豆澄粉 Heon kwe flour
少许 盐
50ml 清水

下层材料 :-
130g 白糖
200ml 椰浆
80g 木薯粉
40g 粘米粉
20g 绿豆澄粉 Heon kwe flour
少许 盐
50 ML 清水

装饰材料 :-

适量 椰丝 ( 蒸5分钟 ) ( 我没放)
适量 盐

做法 :-
1.上层 :把糖,椰浆和清水混合,加入紫色番薯泥拌匀 ,过筛再加入粉类与盐拌均.待用。
2.下层 :把糖,椰浆和清水混合,加入橙色番薯泥拌匀 ,过筛再加入类粉与盐拌均.待用。
3. 我用娃娃模,每层蒸5分钟
4.最后一层再蒸 20分钟即可。
5.待冷后用胶刀切,喜好吃原味或可沾上椰丝 。

温馨提示 :-

1. 最好把蒸好的糕(待凉时)稍微盖一盖,以免上层被风吹干出现硬层。

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

双色金瓜番薯糕‏ Pumpkin Sweet Potato Kuih

**我做了少许更改,我把 橙色番薯换成了金瓜**

今天再来做双色金瓜番薯糕,把今天切的另一半金瓜给用完.第一次做这个糕点..出奇的好吃.喜欢它那QQ 的口感和那鲜艳的颜色!(纯天然颜色)


上层材料 :-
400g 紫色番薯
130g 白糖
200ml 椰浆
80g 木薯粉
40g 粘米粉
20g 绿豆澄粉 Heon kwe flour
少许 盐
50ml 清水

下层材料 :-
130g 白糖
200ml 椰浆
80g 木薯粉
40g 粘米粉
20g 绿豆澄粉 Heon kwe flour
少许 盐
50 ML 清水

装饰材料 :-

适量 椰丝 ( 蒸5分钟 ) ( 我没放)
适量 盐

做法 :-
1.上层 :把糖,椰浆和清水混合,加入紫色番薯泥拌匀 ,过筛再加入粉类与盐拌均.待用。
2.下层 :把糖,椰浆和清水混合,加入橙色番薯泥拌匀 ,过筛再加入类粉与盐拌均.待用。
3. 我用各种小模,每层蒸5分钟
5.待冷后用胶刀切,喜好吃原味或可沾上椰丝 。

温馨提示 :-

1. 最好把蒸好的糕(待凉时)稍微盖一盖,以免上层被风吹干出现硬层。

Sweet & Sour Pickled Pumpkin 腌金瓜酸

My kids decorated these pumpkins. 

Halloween season is over. You probably have some pumpkins sitting on your porch and you might be wondering what to do with them now.  Don't just composing or throw them away. My house have 5 cute pumpkins. I will try to cook, bake, steam, fried, marinated them week by week. Today i made this Pickled pumpkin. It is really delicious and refreshing! 


500g Pumpkin
1/2 tsp Salt
4 tbsp Sugar
4 tbsp Vinegar
2 tbsp Lime juice
3 red chilies
5 Dried sour plums


1. Peel and sliced pumpkin
2. Combine pumpkin , red chilies and dried sour plum in a salad bowl.
3. Stir in vinegar, salt, sugar and lime juice mix well and transfer the mixture to a clean jar or container.
4. Store in refrigerator between uses.

P/S : Sugar and vinegar may add more to taste.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tom Ka Gai ( Thai Coconut Chicken Soup)

I am forever indebted to my Thai friend for introducing me to this Tom Ka Gai. We cooked this in the uni hostel room with only a pack of Tom Ka paste and ingredients by using a rice cooker. It bring back lots of good memories whenever I cook this soup. Now this tasty Thai soup is our house's all time favorite soup. Even my kids also love it with its minor spicy taste. All my friend who try it will surely like to have the recipe. I love to put more vegetables to this soup. Taste very good with all kind of vegetables.

Tom Ka Paste can easily buy from supermarket. 


1 package Tom Ka paste
1 can 400ml Coconut Milk
1 stalk Lemon Grass
500 g Chicken breast sliced n marinated with soy sauce and corn flour
1 Egg plants
1 pack Button Mushrooms
1/2 can of sliced Bamboo Shoots
300g String Beans
1/2 bowl of Cherry Tomatoes
 Fish sauce to taste
Lime juice

* Can add more nam prik pao ( Thai chili paste) if want more spicy taste


1. Boil 200ml coconut milk and 200ml water in a wok add in Tom Ka paste.
2. Add in string bean, egg plant, bamboo shoot and lemon grass cook for 5 minutes.
3. add in chicken simmer for another 5 minutes.
4. Add another 200ml coconut milk , mushroom and tomato cook for another 5 minutes or bring to boil.
5. Ready to serve after add in fish sauce and lime juice to taste.

Can eat 2 bowls of rice with this yummy tom ka gai ! 

I am submitting this post to Asia Food Fest  ( Thailand ) - November Month hosted by Lena of Frozen Wings