Monday, January 27, 2014

Pecan Biscotti 意式蛋白胡桃脆片

食谱取自 Baking Wonderland

150g Pecan 颗粒
120g 面粉
100g 幼糖
3粒 蛋白

1. 将蛋白加入砂糖打至硬性泡沫。
2. 拌入筛过的低粉和杏仁颗粒, 拌均。
3. 倒入铺了锡纸的烘盘。
4. 以170度,30min。
5. 待冷却后, 包好放入冰箱到隔日。
6. 用利刀切成薄片,排入烤盘里以 130'C ,40min
7. 完全冷却后,放入罐子里。

I am linking this post to Bake Along event, Chinese New Year cookies for the month of Jan 2014, organised by Frozen WingBake for Happy Kids and Kitchen Flavours.


  1. Hi Vanessa,

    Your slicing kungfu is fantastic! All your biscotti is very neatly and thinly sliced.


  2. Hi Vanessa,
    Perfectly baked biscotti! And Zoe is right, your slicing skill is amazing!
    Thank you for sharing all your wonderful cookies with Bake-Along.
    Wishing you and your family Gong Xi Fa Cai!

  3. agree with zoe and joyce, you sliced them so nice and thin! these double baked biscottis must be very delicious to eat! thanks for linking all your cookies post with us, happy lunar new year and may you have a healthy and prosperous horsey year!

  4. Thanks Zoe, Joyce and Lena:

    Thanks for Hosting the CNY Cookies bake along event. This make me want to bake more and share more recipes :D Wishing You All a Horse Year Filled With Peace, Joy, Health and Happiness!!!! Gong xi Fa Cai !!
